But just 'cause Johnny and me are flap - walking over and visit my cousin Bacchus at the Snake Pit
doesn't mean you can't look at more threes, dear visitor *o*
Just look-a-here ...

The poor fallen tree at Giber creek ...
It wasn't ME who pushed it over !!! Swear !!!!!
GIGGLING JOHNNY: Oh, yes, I think it was *O*
Tshee-hee *o*
I seem to have a weakness for paths ... And bend in same *o*
And here the path disappears mysteriously behind the tall tree - look --->
JOHNNY MOCK-PLAINTIVELY: I want my ruuuuuum - at the Pit !!! *pouts and looks ever so cute*
Cute - really !!! Tshee-hee-hee *O*
Cluck, baby *o*


You could follow that butterfly there and see if she is on her way to some rum -o*
JOHNNY: No ... That one is firm friends with young Miss Lizzie so they have probably burned
any rum before I get there *o* Besides - I want my baby birdie to come with me ... Pretty please with Will on top?