Well, that was certainly very sweetly put *O* ... but you could
still go ahead and - no - why not?
BLUSHING AND SUDDENLY SHY FICTIONAL FELLA: It's just that ... What if some of the bacchai
are at the inn !!! They are rather wild women and - and ...
And all in love with you, cutie pie *O* *reads sign * Oh, no, they are not! There's no
bacchai there at the moment -o* *giggles delighted and a bit wicked *
Or if there is they are at their very best behavoir 'cause THAT sign means Bacchus has two visitors
you LOVE just as much as they love you *o*
JOHNNY: Hmmm ... Gabby is baking cakes and Xena's making her damn good coffee
*O* ?
Cluck *O*
BEAMING JOHNNY: What are we waiting for !!! Let's get going then !!!


*and the lovely little pair disappears around yet another bend in the road behind
some trees and is perhaps never seen again *
That is - if my coffee is TOO strong ... Gabrielle sometimes says I don't know my
own strength *o* ... although that might not affect the coffee?
I think the birdie's silliness has infected me *O*
Meepsie's version of
Definitely retired
