COMFORTING KISSING SWEETIE: Hi - lift that little honey-beak, pet *o* You have not
forced me as such to do anything - only the same way before mentioned Grandie and Mumsy and your Mama Athena and other
people force you *O*
Oh - how *o* ?
JOHNNY AGAIN: Well - I love you, woman !!! ... is that so difficult to understand
*o* *whispers - loudly - behind a hand* Have you noticed that not only the trees, but 3 squirrels, 2 deers, our old friend
Mr C. Row and several visitors to this page are LISTENING ! *O* !
Yes, baby *o*
... so you are willing to follow me around when I want to take pictures 'cause you love me?


SIGHING BOYFRIEND: You are merciless ...
C. ROW - BEING A CROW - FLAPS OVER: She's just not sure people love her, little one
- you have the same problem now and again so perhaps you should let her be 'silly' *o*
JOHNNY: Yes, granddaddy *o* I will *o* ... but if people didn't love - don't
love you - how come you've known and loved granddad here and he you back since you were a little chick out in the
wood with your mum? ... and how come the trees hasn't run away yet *O*
'cause they can't?
But I think I see what you mean ... and what you mean, granddad Cree-crah *o*
SMILING JOHNNY: I hope so *o* ... "Chez Meeps" - are we opening a bar or something?
No *o* 'At Meeps' is out here among the trees where I feel at home *O* ... but - we could go visit cousin Bacchus' Snake Pit now I have had my fill of the wood for today *o*
BROADLY SMILING EDITOR: Well - that is in the 'general that way direction' *O* Yes,
I'm silly too, little squirrel *o* Don't fall off the branch giggling *O* ... my arm, baby girlie
*o* ?
Cluck *o*
