I certainly don't have Johnny's charm and his way of being able to talk himself out of almost any
scrape he gets himself - or more likely I - get him into *o*
So what do I do with an angry god all alone in fairy land ...
When Loke got tired of arguing with the goats and came to grab a hold of me I didn't try to run
- I am a very slow runner and knew Loke was as faster as wild fire - but I did dug my heels in and protested while he try
to cover the mile or so still left for us to reach Stonehenge. "No, Loke! I don't want to go there ..." I whined. Then
decided whining would just make him more angry and tried to talk calmly and sensible. Like men claim a man talk to a man ... "Look,
Loke - I don't know what you want from me. Or if you just want to take your revenge ... But please don't enter Stonehenge
and use your magic there. PLEASE! It is for experts - frankly not for you and me" Wrong approach - never tell a man (except
Johnny, that is) that there's something he can't do. And that his abilities are not bigger than yours or perhaps even smaller
... "It ... Stonehenge was made by Merlin and he was .." I went on none the less being rather desperate by now. "You probably
know the rumours. That he might be of elf blood or maybe even Sidth. Definitely not quite human. And you have to be trained
in his kind of magic like the druids are to be able to use Stonehenge safely ... Can't we talk about it here, please? What
ever it is you want me to do ... Or you want - cluck - to do to me" "Why the Hell are you such a chicken!" Loke complained
- whined, to be frank. And I could just shrug and confess to be being afraid of very many thing. He thought for a moment
and then said "O.K. - we can stay here for the moment then. But you better come up with the goods - and fast, broad - or we
are going over there no matter how ever many miles there are left just because those stupid goats choose to be such girlies
just now" I started to say there was only one mile if that. But then decided it wasn't so important. On the other hand
I noticed Flora and Clara had heard every word and didn't like them that much. Even though they are girlies they are deifinitely
not stupid. And was at the moment showing that they each have a set of teeth like a full grown male wolf - which just now
were just behind Loke's behind. I hurried up not quite wanting to think of what they intended and said "Good. Let's talk
then. Could we sit down to do - no, of course not. But what do you want from me actually?" He of course started telling
me I knew very well what he wanted. But I could be just as stubborn and claimed firmly that I did not. So finally after
a bit of that Loke told me angrily "I want my propriety back, of course! You silly broad! I want the jewel back - and the
belt! You are going to contact that damn brat and get him to send the things here. And after you have told him to do that
we are going to enter Stonehenge whether you want it or not. Hermes can't hit me with anything in there - even if he borrows
Zeus' lightning bolt!" I at first thought 'the brat' was Johnny but then guessed it was Hermes. Loke was still mad because
my dear honorary uncle had told him to leave me alone all those years ago. It also made more sense to get in contact with
Hermes than Johnny frankly because he was the messenger of the gods and as such delivered things all over when necessary. Unfortunately
I couldn't contact him. I had only 'dressed' to go out to check on the animals and hadn't thought to bring any kind of communication
equipment for that. I thought about telling Loke that but then decided it might just make him decide I was totally useless
and he better get rid of me. So I asked something else instead - but perhaps not the most intelligent question considering
I wanted Loke very much to let me live - "But why should unc - Hermes bring the things here. They are not yours really" "They
are mine! They are MINE! Besides - he want to see you again alive, won't he!" Loke screamed. I nodded. I was pretty sure
that uncle wanted that. But then I continued being a bit dumb because I said "He might want that ... But the other gods
probably don't want you to have the Spirit of Christmas and the Belt of Love. I mean ... Why do you want to have them anyway?
They are not much use to you since you always states that love is only a hopefully pleasant pastime when a gentleman haven't
better things to do" Stupid, stupid - STUPID Meeps! ... but I had been mad at him all these years for that opinion among
other things and somehow couldn't find out in my anger how to pose sensible questions. Sensible in the sense that they should
calm him down instead of making him more outraged at me. But Loke seemed to be happy enough to tell me why because he said
- although quite crossed that I didn't know that already - "Why do women always ask such stupid question! Can't you lot think
at all? I want to turn them, of course. Use them as weapons against that - that bugger Seth!" Slowly it emerged that Loke
had sold some non-existing Stinger missiles he claimed to have got from Afghanistan to a rebel leader in Chechnya. He didn't
discover until quite a while afterwards that the rebel leader's leader - so to speak - the financially backer who had paid
for nothing was the old Egyptian god of chaos Seth. A Seth who was now furious of Loke for having tricked him.