Loke spat out a gob of flame and ignited some poor dry winter grass on the Salisbury plain. "As if I knew it
was him! If - I had know I ..." .. 'would probably not have done it', I finished for him. Being smart enough this time though to
only think it. Aloud I asked "But wouldn't it be easier to buy - or even steal - real weapons instead of having to go through
the costly process of turning love into hate and violence. You don't know when Seth might take his revenge - attack you -
so I should think time is of an essence too" "I am not waiting for him to get good and ready, stupid woman" Loke snarled.
"Attack is the best defense, right!" ... how about that - even the gods use pre-emptive strikes ................. Tshe
*o* In a way it isn't funny at all ... On the other hand it very much is. And at least it just goes to prove - once again
- that old master Will was right when he stated that there's nothing new under the sun *O* But at the moment I just stood
there staring. How about that ... The American president and Loke agreed on something. Wonder what that say about them? Is
that the only thing they have in common ... Well, I don't know *o* Loke is not much taller than my five foot six and
wiry anyway with very red hair and very green eyes. You might say that doesn't sound at all attractive. But he can be ever
so charming - believe you me. Unfortunately that doesn't automatically make him a good person too ... I tuned in again
just as he was saying "And there came Kosnikov striding into the room - Kosnikov was the name Seth used at that time in Chechnya.
Vladimir Nikolayevich Kosnikov. He even claimed he was old KGB. ... and for all I know he might have been. Immortals have
to do something to while away the time now you don't believe in us anymore. There was certainly chaos enough in the old Soviet
republic. And I am not even sure it's better now. And Chechnya especially is a mess, I tell you ... Oh, boy, I could tell
you stories that would make even your long hair stand straight up. Anyway - K. arrived and for a moment froze the humans and
showed me who he really is. I was out of there like a shot. ... I have never made it so fast to Haparanda! There was smoke
after me all the way to dear old Sweden. It would have been a record worthy of the Guinness Book of Record if those damn Brits
weren't so snobbish and only want HUMAN records. I ask you! What have you puny humans ever done worth recording !?!" Here
I for a moment felt very partisan on the humans' account. But decided I could never convince Loke we were worth much and
might make him more angry of me instead if I tried. So I returned to the question Loke hadn't answered before and said again:
"But why not get real weapons instead of using time and effort to transform the love tokens to their exact opposites? And
who would do such a thing anyway ... Transform them, I mean" "Oh, you'ld be surprised what people will do for money, girl"
Loke smirked. "Or just to show they can ... People invented the nuclear bomb for crying out loud. We gods would never have
dreamt of making a weapon that works like the sun. Really! And now everybody has to guard everybody. Do they have it - are
they getting more - will they use them? Steal ours ... But that's exactly my point! Weapons are too well guarded or cost too
much. It's way cheaper to get some more or less sane person to transform the jewel and the belt into something I can use against
Seth. Which reminds me - will you call Hermes, woman! How is it I always end up yapping away with you when ever we meet. Talk
- talk - talk! It's a waste of time, if you ask me!" "Yes, but still - couldn't you ... Well, use your great cunning and
such to get hold of some weapons pretty cheap?" I asked again - flattering after all never hurt anyone - trying to distract
him until I could figure how best to tell him that I had no way to contact uncle Hermes. And luckily the "fish" did bite
on the bait *o* I guess he always end up yapping with me because he loves to hear himself talk -O*