The rescue *o* ... might get me into more trouble than I already was -O*
No - Thor didn't wear a purse! He's a very macho god after all *o* He folded the
ship and started to put it in his pocket. And of course my hot headed little sweetie had to take offence of that ... So
Johnny got to his feet and said in a very challenging tone - and with his cute little nose stuck up in the air - "I believe,
that is my ship! .. sir" Really, Johnny ... Haven't you noticed the war hammer Thor is packing? The muscles which would
immediately get him crowned as king of body builders if he wanted. The whole macho he-man - SUPERMAN god package standing
there looking incredulously on this - in his eyes - scrawny little human I happen to love. Johnny had luckily dropped Jack's
sword when we fell over and forgot to pick it up so at least he didn't threaten the big man - god - with a drawn sword he's
not that good at using because he doesn't keep up the skills his real life double learned when training to play a pirate.
Jack did pick up the sword but the smart pirate kept it low and out of Thor's sight behind me. ... I did notice though
he didn't sheet it. Would the SILLY boys really fight the thunder god? ... CLUCK !!! I started to say something even
though I didn't quite know what to say when Thor suddenly started laughing out very loud while at the same time gasping "You're
ridiculous, human! It's Frey's ship! Don't you think I know my friend's ship !?!" And with that he put our little magic ship
all the way down in his very deep pocket. Behind him Loke got groaning to his feet. You have to have a thick scull if you
want to be friend with Thor ... Hearing what Thor said he started to complaining "Yes, they are - obnoxious, those humans.
Meeps have to give me back what she stole yesterday or we will have to do some serious harm to that mama's boy she's running
around with now a days" We? Thor was in on this ... Jack mumbled behind me "Well, we'll see about that" But Johnny -
which made me love him even more - had apparently figured out by now that we were a bit if not out numbered then sort of out
gunned ... They are gods after all and we are not *o* So he said - with a bit of difficulty though I could hear - in a
much more reasonably tone of voice "Look, sir - it is Frey's ... Was Frey's ship. But I won it in poker from him fair and
square so now it is Meepsie's and mine. If you don't believe me ask her - she was there seeing the whole thing" "You can't
believe her" Loke started again - whining "She stole my things yesterday and now they will say anything to get away with that
..." ... why did I at all get mixed up in all this! But suddenly Thor had had enough of both us and Loke it seemed.
He turned and looking furious at Loke while saying very calmly - and being even more scaring because he was so calm - "You
better not talk anymore about stealing, dear Loke. You stole my car! ... chariot !!!" And having delivered that truth -
which for once did make Loke shut up - Thor marched over and jumped into his chariot and was off quicker than the lightning
bolts his hammer produced. Clara and Flora did yell "Sorry, Meeps" and "Take care of yourself, chickie-bird!" as they passed
over our head with a thundering noise but the fact was that there I was - stranded without any way to get home on the middle
of the Fairy land's equivalent of Salisbury plain with a somewhat dangerous Stonehenge, a definitely dangerous Loke and two
volatile sweetie for company ... Sometimes I wonder why one get up in the morning! And by now it was dark and cold and
all I wanted was to go home and get something to eat and then go to bed again - with my sweet 'mama's boy' *O* But Loke
was still convinced that I could produce his so-called property just by calling Hermes so he once more demanded for me to
do so. Johnny asked why on earth we should do a thing like that. ... is that little boy crazy? Challenging gods left, right
and center. I frankly ignored him and said "But we gave the jewel and the belt back to their owners. And why should they
give them up again just because we ask them to?" "Oh, they are soft!" scoffed Loke "They'll feel sorry for you and give
me what I want - so I can get some weapons to smash Seth with. That's why it's such a genial plan to get these soft lovey-dovey
people's powerful magic things and transform them into weapons. Aphrodite and Santa Claus don't dare do anything about it!
Not like those broads - Ares' women ..." I thought of telling him that Xena and Gabrielle was definitely not Ares' women,
thank you. That Xena might kick him again and even harder this time if she heard him say that. But I didn't want to get
my good friends in trouble with Loke so I tried instead to find another argument why we shouldn't call uncle Hermes when Jack
suddenly asked "Why don't you just buy some weapons? .. sir. It might be a brilliant plan you have there but it sounds much
more difficult than just going out and buy some - magical or just ordinary. I have some contacts I would be happy to - well,
bring you into contact with. If you would just get the kids home, Sir. Then we can go and see what can be done about it"