JOHNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!! Where's my inspiration !!! ... for clucking out loud - I was SO sure
I left it here by the 'puter yesterday and - what? The reader is already here ... What do you mean, boy! We have no rea
.. readers ... Erm - hi, there, my dear reader *o* *blushes big time * O.K.! We will go straight onwards then! Where
were we though? Tinker Bell, you say - thanks, sweetie *O*
But I got an idea here and hurried up and asked "Tink - could you
tell me or show me where that disco is? If he's there tonight too maybe ... Johnny - would you please try and talk to him?
I mean - if your real life double is charming enough to be able to make right wing people at least listen to what he tells
them over the phone then you - who is even lovelier in my not-so-humble opinion - ought to be able to persuade Santa Claus
face to face to come back to his job. Maybe even his wife too. ... or at the very least let us take the Spirit of Christmas
back to auntie Rhea - Mrs. Claus - so we can keep the spirit of Christmas in the world" "Weeeeell ..." Johnny began - not
looking that pleased with my idea and frowning at a smirking Jack "I do sometimes wish you wouldn't read about that there
actor-guy. It would make life so much easier for a poor fictional fellow. Shut up, Jack! I don't want my Mummy! ... although
she might be able to help much mor better than me. But since she is on vacation at the moment - at Bermuda, I think it was
this time ... - I guess I have to try and wing it all by my little old self since you wish me to, my little birdie. But what
is that there Spirit of Christmas by the way? We better not bring Jack or there won't be any spirits left by the time we can
say Barbecue Silver *o* Tshee-hee *O* !" ... here Johnny and Jack started to throw peanuts at each other and Tinker Bell
flew - wildly complaining about MEN! - up and hid in Bon Bon's big hairdo. I left for the bathroom thinking what Tink had
just screamed -o*
After I had done my business at said bathroom I came back to our
table to find an argument going on. Jack and Johnny was definitely not in agreement about something and Bon Bon didn't
look too happy either - Hannibal on the other hand seem to wish he was somewhere else besides beside these hot headed humans. Tinker
Bell flew over to greet me even before I reached the table complaining in a very loud voice; "Meeeepsie! Jack will
stea ... borrowed the Spirit of Christmas just 'cause it is a jewel! He can't do that, can he?" In my mind Jack Sparrow
- captain Jack Sparrow - can do what ever comes into his beautiful head. The question was of course whether or not he
should do so - morally ... As I sat down Johnny also appealed to me. Gesturing at me at his side he said "Well, if you
don't believe me, you - BLOODY PIRAT, then ask Meeps!" ... sometimes I wish that little .. sweetie didn't love and trust
me that much - I am only human - erm, a human chicken, after all *o* Jack looked at me and said with a little smirk "Well,
Miss Meeps - do you think like these booooooring critters that one couldn't earn a fair amount of money selling this Spirit
of Christmas-thingy. Our friend here tells us it's a large ruby set in gold with seven emeralds circling it. That sounds like
mucho money to me. Come on, Bon Bon ... You are a diva, if anybody is! Looooves jewels - all manner of shining things. Have
learned the great art of being a real diva at the knee of Ms. Dunaway and AUCH !!!!! Don't yank my hair, will you !!!" "Children"
I sighed with a little smile - Jack is a very charming guy. Unfortunately that smile encourage him because he then went
on "And as a magpie, Meepsie - can you look at such a shining object in front of your cute little beak without snatching it
up and flying away with it as fast as you can?" "Jack!" I protested. Wanting to yank his hair myself now.