Johnny had at first been at the public library but couldn't find anything that really interested him there so
he walked around the corner to visit my cousin Bacchus' joint called the Snake Pit to have a little drink and see if
any people was around he knew. There wasn't that many when he arrived though - maybe because it was three p.m. and people
was either at work - or not up yet -o* But Johnny saw one familiar face after some minutes and grabbing his drink went
over to say "Hi, Hannibal! Why the long face? And why are you here ... I thought you elves were working flat out to have everything
ready for the big day. Especially since the Danes want their presents already the 24th" "Oh - howdy, Johnny" Hannibal sighed
and signalled for a refill of his beer "There might not be any 'big day' this year, you know. The Boss Man has - kinda lost
his head ... Totally! It's rather disgusting in a way ... Not only is he getting too big for his breeches lately but now he
has left Mrs. Claus for a - a ... BIMBO!" Johnny of course got quite interested and started to get Hannibal Meyer, chief
engineer of toy trains at Santa Claus' workshop, to spill the beans so to say. And here is what Johnny told me later: Santa
Claus has the last couple of years been more and more of the opinion that he is really a genuine superstar now a days and
should be treated as such. Which can be a pain in the .. breeches? - for his surroundings to be frank ... But he states
that with all the ad.s and commercials he is featured in and all the people who buys a franchise from Santa Claus Inc. in
order to play Santa Claus at the mall and so on and so forth he is a bonafide celebrity! And people should really show some
respect. Mrs. Claus on the other hand is an old hand in the business - she was a fertility goddess in her own right before
marrying old Father Christmas - and claims that; yes, everything is going very fine just now but that might change later.
If for example the Christian should decide to 'remember' - because most of them must know in her opinion - that Christmas
is a pure pagan pageant and decides to boycut or out right prohibit the feast seeing there's nothing what so ever at all about
it in the Bible it would be a good thing to have friends in high - and low - places instead of making everybody mad by behaving
like a ... Here she called him something not so polite *o* They have been married for many years - he *O* "Like anybody
would forbid people celebrating Christmas!" Hannibal said sounding outraged. And my sweet Johnny didn't have the heart
to remind him that Cromwell had done just that - among other things - back when the Brits were ... being a wee bit crazy.
In 1600 and something, I think ... I mean; back when the Brits were puritans - tshe *o* Sorry *blushes * Other
friends had come by by now and tried to comfort the poor Hannibal so Johnny got up excusing himself so he could go home to
me. Where he asked anxiously after having told his story "You don't think - we won't get any presents or something ...
I mean - the poor little children won't get any presents for Christmas, Meeps?" My boy very much loves both giving and
getting presents so this was really a problem for my sweetie *o* I promised him solemnly though that he at least would get
all his presents even if I had to give them to him himself *O* Johnny smiled a bit embarressed at that and kissed me.
When that was done I asked "Who's the bimbo Santa has run off with though?" But can you imagine ... My silly little ...
boy had forgot to get that juicy bit of gossip so we both left for the bar to see if Hannibal was still there.
Johnny and I arrived back at the Snake Pit just as Bacchus announced that it was 'Happy Hour' ... why my
good cousin think it is only 'Happy Hour' one hour out of twentyfour is beyond me. I have asked Johnny if he knows. Why we
shouldn't try to have only happy hours all our lives instead of 1 hour out of 24 but he just hugs and kisses me and tells
me; he loves me. Which is indeed - of course - very wonderful - YAHOO *O* - but doesn't answer my question -o* Anyway -
here we were and luckily for two so curious critters Hannibal was still there. Although rather drunk by now ... He was
up on the stage singing Kariokee ... He tried to get through ABBA's tune Waterloo and that was almost his Waterloo. Johnny
sneaked over and pulled the plug on the machine and then - looking ever so innocent - claimed to people asking that
there was something wrong with it - that he has seen smoke coming out at the back and we better give it a bit of a break.
And most of those having heard Hannibal didn't mind that at all *O* At first Hannibal was quite sure he could sing without
any music. But Johnny can be so very charming and convincing and he managed to get the elf engineer lured down to sit at a
table - even persuaded him to drink some coffee instead of more whiskey. ... amazing? But that's my Johnny *O*