
Halloween 08 - page 3


But pirate or no pirate we cluck on *O*
And I'll now show you ...


.. my dear sweet totally invented - and still proud of same - editor trying to make his little 'pumpkin' behave *o*
... must be 'cause we're invited to Grandie Hera's witch ball tonight? You're by the way - into Elfwood, perhaps -o* - all invited *O*
But Johnny himself does not speak that 'politically correct' when we are at home alone so his admonishing doesn't work too well *O*
BLUSHING JOHNNY SWEETS: Meepsie !!! ... don't tell all my secrets *o*
Ehm - it isn't always so easy to be ghost either around this little birdie ... Here a poor spirit gets sucked into a black hole and oblivion -_-
NOT so !!! And you know it -O*
He only got 'sucked' into a 'bookworm hole' and Albert - the ghost - will end up at the Disc world and that is not the worse place to visit *o*
JOHNNY: Couldn't you have send his FEMALE colleagues there too then instead of bringing them home to our house *o* ?



Nope, baby !!!
Gyda and I have finally convinced Annie that you really are real (for explanation please see: Halloween 2007) so now she brought all her girl friends to see the wonderful, lovely, gorgeous mmmm *wriggles free of Johnny's warm hand over her naughty beak * JOHNNY !!! *O* !!!
SMILING AND BLUSHING EDITOR: You're awful *o* Did you know that *O* ? ... now I think we better go or we'll be late for Grandie's party *o*

Clu-cluck, baby *o*
JOHNNY AS THEY ARE LEAVING: I wonder - perhaps Hector is old enough for a spider or two to open up an office in his hat - or beard *O* Yes, yes, luv' *o* I'm coming ... Oh - hi, Cristopher *o* Your good horsy is waiting for you in the paddock as usual - see you at the party later *O*
THE HEADLESS WALKEN - erm, HORSEMAN: Those two would forget their own heads somewhere if I lobbed 'em off for them ... I better publish this piece of sillyness for the little birdie before I pick up Daredevil *o* *pushes the smallest ghost gently away from the publishing button, clicks on it and then leaves himself shaking his head with a little smile*