O.K. we have arrived at that time of year again
when all the gruesome ghoststories ...
EDITOR: Don't worry, kiddies - this is our wee hen clucking *O*
.. comes out to kick Johnny Sweets in his tight little ...
No, let's just hang pics instead *o*
This picture somehow reminds me of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck ...
Poor agent Sands - he has got in the way of the arch toon him - self ... Arch pirate?
HELPFUL EDITOR: Ehm - captain Jack Sparrow, savvy -o* ?
No, that doesn't sound right either ...
Now I know *O* Little Babyjackie-kin *o*
"JACK": ... ARGHR, chickens - tshe *o*


Here's my imaginary boy *o* With a new hat he 'borrowed' from a visiting witch *O*
JOHNNY SWEETS: You try saying that really fast again, honey bird *o*
Nope! Will NOT *O*
... later we might invent a story about ghouls and goblins and - would you mind playing Ichabod,
SWEET FANTASY EDITOR: No, I guess not - I've already lost my heart to you, Chickie-poo, so
why not my head -o*
Clu-cluck *O*
SMILING EDITOR: But I think our story this year will have more to do with cheeky pixies
obeying a giggling little hen and painting poor old me on all the pumpkins in the garden *o* Just look at the left
hand pumpkin on this picture ...
Cluck, pumpkin *O*
JOHNNY: Ehm - NEXT pic !!! *O* !!! Or page? ... the pixies - and
chickens - are rather pesky here around Halloween, me thinks -o*
