
Valentine's Day 2005


I've been really busy making Valentine's pics ...
Enough for three pages *O*


Woops ...
Erm - don't worry, boys and girls *o* It is a trained stunthat - a special effect *O*
A sign of the special effect Johnny has on me -o*
JOHNNY SWEETS: More like you on me ... Did you really HAVE TO call me romantic in front of uncle Ares ! ? ! The god of war is laughing his head of now ...
Yeah, well - he's immortal so he'll live -O*
But just look at him, will you ... Johnny there on the pic, I mean *o* *appeals to visitors and ignores Johnny's hands mock-wringing her chicken neck * Isn't he just lovely *O*
Yes, you are, baby *o* *kisses the neck-wringer * ... I wonder what Xena will say to an Ares with his head?



THE KISSED BOY: Nothing much, I guess *o* She's still mad at him for almost getting me into a fight with Caesar - Julius Caesar -O*

Yes - so am I actually ...
And you should be smarter than that, sweetie! ... even if the dictator - granduncle Julius was rather obnoxius that night !!!
PROTESTING JOHNNY: You try to resist a GOD - albeit ancient and according to Gabrielle retired - who wants to start a fight 'cause he's bored ... Actually - all this sweet, but SILLY Valentine-stuff shows me you can't resist Mumsy, little chick bird *O* Which isn't quite fair on her behalf come to think of it ...

Love is definitely "much more better" than war, honey *o* .. although I do admit to having a soft spot for our charming uncle Ares -O*
