
Valentine's Day 2004


Yeah - O.K. ...
My dear sweet little fictional fella ALWAYS claim firmly he ain't romantic at all - but I tend to ignore since he IS !!! -O* !!!
So here - with the unwitting assistance of superstar Johnny Depp due to the fact I unfortunately can't take photos in my imagination ... - is what Johnny Sweets and me have been up on the romantic day *o*

MEEPSIE'S NOT-AT-ALL-ROMANTIC (at least when asked) EDITOR: Look - I DO definitely not look happy on that there über romantic pic !!!

No *o* 'cause the roses had thorns and you had just prigged your finger on one of them *O*



But then - after we had administered a band-aid - you went and fetch your little present for me; a red heart on a golden chain for my neck *o*
AND you hid the chain in your mouth and said I had to kiss you to get it - VERY romantic *O*
BLUSHING, BUT HAPPY CLOSET-ROMANTIC: Don't tell all my secrets, little birdie *o*
Oh,  but - I don't think it's much of a secret for people visiting here *o*
JOHNNY: Shere ... NEXT year !!! *O* !!!