SMILING JOHNNY: No, and her love is even bigger *o* ... which is amasing when you look
at who she love - he *o*
Yes, baby *o* *moves behind Johnny before she present the next pic *
JACK WITH BIG EYES AND OPEN MOUTH: A-a-wha-what ??? ... where is that bird
Tshee-hee-hee *O* *goes down laughing 'cause Jack is a master at tickling birds and other broads
INDULGING JOHNNY: Children *o* ... Jack - let her be now before she pees in her - feathers?


In my - tshee-hee *O*
NOW GIGGLING JACK. Yeah, your panties feathers, savvy *O* ?
Jack *o* ... Johnny - can't we go to Venice when we're finished partying?
Perhaps uncle Poseidon will present us for the Doge or something *o*
we ever get finished celebrating, sweetie pie -o* ? ... and isn't Venice more Pluto's town? The god of riches
JACK: Do you think the Serenissima needs a pirate?
Oh, no, little Jackie *o*
They have their own - and much more hard-headed and -hearted pirates than you can ever manage to
bemmmm *O*
BLUSHING JACKIE: Dumb birdie *o* What are you waiting for here, Johnny-boy?
For Meeps to get dressed for the party -O*
YOU are dressed for the party ?????


JOHNNY LOOKING AT HIMSELF LAYING ON THE PINK CLOUD: Erm - no !!! *waves his magic wand
- also known as a cigarette - and magically throws on some of his best party duds and points laughing at Meeps* There
!!! Now I am *O*
I can do that TOO *o* *waves her wand and then stands blushing and looking down
at her toes *
Eh - I don't suppose you two fine gents want to go to the party with a - a - a TURKEY !!! *starts
to bawl but gets silenced by a kiss that turns her back into Johnny's little love-bird * ... thanks, baby *O*