
Valentine 05 - page 2


Is the ancient goddess of luv' not fair ???

Let's listen in, folks -O*

BLUSHING JOHNNY: Yes - but it isn't fair that Mumsy ... Just because she wanted the VERY BEST for me made you so besotten with me that you can't think straight for two seconds !!!

I can't think - really !!! *gets up and makes to leave - then relent and sits herself down on Johnny's lap *



I - ME, Meeps - asked Mumsy for the very best boy in her bag, little sweetie *o* *kisses her other half thoroughly *
Come to think of it though - it was Ares who recommended you back then? ... I wonder what mischief he was up to with that *o*
But it didn't work! 'cause I love being your birdie *O*
JOHNNY BEAMING: I don't care what he wanted to do or not either then !!! *O* !!! ... actually - my big brother Cupid claims uncle A. is a closet romantic - so maybe he really just wanted us to be happy *o*

You ARE sweet *O* You can always see the very best in other human be - anybody *O*
I better not call Ares a human -o*
