When Johnny said he was sorry to hear that Charlotte shrugged and said calmly "Oh, that's O.K. sweetie. Then I don't
have to waste money on hiring (gorgeous) bodyguards like I've heard you have had to do"
I started to giggle at that. And
Johnny started to protest he didn't have any bodyguards - not even a gorgeous body!
Here all three of us women protested laughing.
"O.K. Johnny. Maybe it's your real life double
who has a bodyguard" Bridget admitted after some more teasing. But then added giggling "But you both have gorgeous bodies
so I guess our chick pea here guards yours"
Johnny grumbled something somewhat impolite about broads to that. But we could
all see his eyes smiling and his lips did too behind his hand, I noticed. Then he tried to turn the tables and added "Nope!
I'm a chickenguard !!! So no wily foxes can run away with my little birdie"
That teasing actually earned him a big hug and kiss - a bit to his surprise, I think.
Then Charlotte suddenly got serious and said while placing a hand on my arm "Yes, maybe you should
guard our bird. Maybe we all should! Coming here today I saw Loke cross the square in front of the big railway station - building
... Are you alright, Chickiepoo?"
But I was not - I was clucking and gasping for breath and had to sit down with Johnny's arms around
me while Bridget ran back to get me a glass of water. After have drunk that - and after several kisses and other comforting
from Johnny I finally managed to explain.
Years back before I met Johnny I had a brief 'fling' with Loke - Loki to some - the Norse trickster
god. But while I certainly found him charming and very, very smart he wasn't a nice man - or god - and since I am hatched
a chicken I didn't much liked that.
He on the other chicken wing did not at all like me protesting against some of the things he
did both to me and other people. So I soon called it quits - which enraged him no
That a mere fat little mortal could tell a man/god of his stature that she didn't wanted to be his
girlfriend anymore made him thundering mad - he even tried to borrow Thor's hammer to throw at me but Thor said firmly no.
Not that the god of thunder liked me better than Loke but Odin - Woden to some foreigners - has
a rather soft spot for me he had found out ... Not to mention I had friends in high - and low - places who might take exceptions
to a fried chicken named Meeps.
That last turn of phrase made Johnny and Charlotte smile and Bridget giggle and I felt a bit better.
Loke and I didn't separate as friends but I had friends now and that helped.
So when Chalotte offered to act as my bodyguard - in her Alien shape - I said "No thank you, sweetie"
and hugged her for her offer. But I wouldn't have people running screaming away in freight - which I didn't say to her though
- and expected that Johnny and I could handle it ourselves somehow.
We soon said goodbye after that.
The girls went off to buy things - probably jewelry for Charlotte and shoes for Bridget *o* And
Johnny and I went home to change our clothes for the visit to the discotheque.
Coming up to the building where the disco is a bit later I felt like turning around on the spot
... Big burly motorcycles were parked all around the entrance and some in the street too. "Parked" in the manner which say
"Now I've arrived and nobody else need to pass here unless I let them"
In between the machines stood tall men and almost as tall women talking, laughing and yelling at
each other.
And then one of the tallest men turned - and the chicken almost flew away right there - and
said with a big ugle grin "Why if it isn't Daddy-in-law's little babyboy and his chick !!!"
It was the werewolf Adolf - and his just as vicious girlfriend Brunhilda. And their biker gang.
A while back Johnny and my adoptive father Hefaistos had gotten into an arguement with just this
bunch out at the beach - it was summer then - while I stood shaking by and tried to get Baba (Hefaistos) and Johnny to
come with me into the wood and leave the 'battlefield' to the 10 or 12 big broad blokes with chains and iron rods and - and
cluck !!!
I finally managed to drag my darling hotheads with me that summer's day and avoid a big fist - and
more - fight then and somehow Johnny and I also managed to enter the disco this night although I worried already how
we were going to get out again