I always feel rather surprised when I manage to make something halfway beautiful ...
But here are some pics even I am pretty satisfied with *o*
... and hope you like *o*

But my chicken feathers are still showing ...
"I think?" - tshe *o*
Matching colours are always a crowd pleaser, it seems -o* But this was more or less done by
luck ... And a handsome brush fetched on Adobe Photoshop's own exchange -o* Yes, that was a link, my dear people *O*


What can I say ... I'm a girl !!! *looks down her front checking and then nods firmly
once * Albeit one who's born in 1957 - so last century, eh -o* ?
But you shouldn't let age stop you, should you -O* ?
And cluck love Harry's filters too *o* Harry's filters
can be had here for free: The Plugin Site ... the one used here on the Japanese cherry blossoms are 'pop art' !
Flowers are always good, eh *o* ?
And can be made up to look - hopefully - even better in Photoshop *O*
As I clucked - I love pink -o* And am romantic too *O*
