
Filtered photos


Adobe Photoshop has filters which can make the most ordinary photo look like
- well - really something *O*


O.K. ...
This rose didn't look bad from the start - but didn't get harmed by the filter either *O* Cluck thinks - he *o*

I'm normally a über-romantic bird - but once in a while - I make a dark and somber piece of "art" *o*
Perhaps because my normally so über-sweet 'editor' had irritated me that day - tshe *o*



Danish trees are normally peaceful and green - as least green when the season is right -o*
Like here *O* ... they have been given just a little bit of one of
Harry's filters though *o*
SMILING EDITOR: Yeah *o* That was a link, folks *O*
One more flower for you *o*
In light - romantic? - colours *O*
And 'heavily' filtered and in general 'meepstreated' in Photoshop, I promise you *O*



A romantic sign saying "Romance" - my beau is right *o* I'm a silly little romantic bird *O* ... his words - not mine *o*
But - now all that talk about romance have made me think about where my dear sweet imaginary editor is at ...
So I'll go search for him *o*
Bye *O*