
Playing with brushes


One can get so many great free Photoshop brushes on the 'net *O*
And I love playing with them ...


Like here - that's all made by brushes *o* Plus a bit of text and patterns - but still *O*
But sometimes I get rather silly ... Please see next pic -o*

My poor little boy ...
One of my fictional fella's friends called him "Tiger" the other day and so I made this - the tiger head and all the butterflies including the butterfly mask on the tiger's face are Photoshop brushes too - and asked a blushing fictional fella if that was him *O*
He's the cutest little tiger though - and smiles now *O*

"TIGER": Yeah - 'cause we don't have any cows so you're in for some severe tickling, me birdie *O*



Clu-cluck !!! ? !!!
Tshee-hee-hee *O*

Now I'm not at all slim but my sweet totally IMAGINARY sweetie claims this tall slim - PINK - bird is me *O*
That that is how's he sees me ... Don't you think he needs new glasses ???
Tshe *o*

But I am not always so discreet colourwise - as you can see on the next picture - on the next page *O*