
Johnny 08 - page 4


EMBARRESSED JOHNNY TRYING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT: But - Jack *o* We could have send you a care package - including your presents - to the jail *O* ... you are allowed to get mail in jail, right?


"mail in jail" *giggles happily - then adds * Yes, we could - and would, sweetie *o*

JACK AGAIN: Oh, no, please don't, kiddies !!! The doggie would drop the keys faster than you can cluck Barbossa and run off with the bone ... Oh, you should see your face, Johnny-hee-hee-hee *O* *runs off himself chased by a laughing Johnny trying to hit him with a pillow *
Boys *o*
O.K. then I'll just sit here on my perch and enjoy looking at Johnny on the pics *O*
... but what is he trying to do here, I wonder?

OUT-OF-BREATH JOHNNY PLUMPING DOWN BESIDE HER: Auditioning for Prospero in the Tempest, I guess ... How the - Dicken's chickens can that fu-da-da-dadum pirate run that fast with all that rum he's drinking !!! ??? !!!



Long time practise flapping away as fast as he can from all and sundry who wants to yank the cute little sparrow's tail feathers *o*
Oh - hi, Jackie *O*

JACK TO JOHNNY: She gotta no respect, our wee hen here, eh? ... and couldn't you have found a bigger heart, birdie *O* ?

Nope *o*