And as I am getting on in years and becoming an elderly bird
- THIS might be true about me too ...
*grumbles and looks miffed - but tries to be a truthful chick *

... I do believe the kitty here is meowing about me *O*
# ¤ # ¤ #
But while we are talking about furlines ...
why don't you check this CUTE kitten out?
Who does not seem to age like the rest of us at all ???

NOT FAIR, Johnny !!!
# ¤ # ¤ #
I might be on my way to becoming an ancient fowl
but I can still pout with the best of them -O*
:*: :*: :*:
And he is still so very lovely ...
*depp sigh *
---- --- ¤ --- ----
Tshee-hee-hee *O*