
Who invented - whom?


I try to explain - and probably make no sense at all - as per usual *O*

Come ON, Johnny ... You won't write this?
Hm - O.K. then, sweetie. Then I'll write this bit - but couldn't you tell me why you won't write this piece about how you invented me ...
I am sure people would like to know since everybody think I've invented you - tshee-hee *o*

MEEPS' IMAGINARY JOHNNY: Oh - O.K. ... I'll try to explain why I'll rather not write this! It erm - I ... It's illegal for one thing! For fictional fellas to invent a cute little chicken for themselves - you know that ... And to top that I am not sure I understand the bit about you inventing me and then I invented you. Do you understand it yourself, honeypot?

Understand ... Yes, of course I understand! I am a very understanding bird, after all *O*
... that's nonsense?
Oh - well ... Maybe it's a silly bird I am -o*
Are you sure you just don't want to write it because you are a shy guy? You don't have to be nervous though - even those who hates this screwy chicken loooooves you *o*

JOHNNY: I am not sure I want them to do that then ... If they don't like you they shouldn't love ... They should just stay away from our home page here! ... he *o* ... O.K. - maybe I am a bit shy. Sure. But ever since Sir John Falstaff wanted to file a complain against his author - what's-his-name - for describing him as fat it has been illegal for fictional fellows like me to write anything actually! ... I have the law book here somewhere - just a moment ...

... you have just invented that LAW yourself *O* You HAVE written about me I don't know how many times ...
Hi *o* Why don't you let that little smile excape and admit that you just invented that excuse - law *O*

JOHNNY: Tshee-hee *blushes happily grinning* Of course I did *O* Erm - not the bit about poor Sir John though! He did file a complain, the poor man ... Claiming he had just lost I don't know how many inches around the waist. But that was wasted ... Author always wins that kind of cases unfortunately. Nobody believes the word of a mere invention when his author says it isn't so ...

Oh, you poor wee baby ...
And you being a love slave and forced to be here against your will with the evil - nai, gruesome - Warrior Chicken who meepstreats you every chance she gets - tshee-hee-hee *O*

JOHNNY: Yes, but then it is good I have my secret weapon. You can't stay - what was it? Gruesome, eh *O* ? - when I have my tickling fingers dancing at your side *o* ... O.K. I am shy! And still don't understand it quite either ...

Hm ... Then I'll try to explain and if there's something you don't understanding you just ask.
Way back when - in the grey and foggy prehistory - I read something another Danish fan wrote at
www.johnnydeppfan.com's board about having an imaginary Johnny. ... although I don't think she meant it quite the way I do - he *o* BUT I clapped my chicken wings and decided on the spot to get such a wonderful toy-boy as fast as birdiely possible!
So I started to invent and scheme and ended up with you, my sweet lovely little Johnny Sweets *kisses the happy guy *
Erm - where was I?
Oh, yes!
A little later - the fall of 2000, I think it was - some sweet friends at the same board asked if I wanted to play at a 'game' they had invented. It was a sort of chain story where we - two other very clever fans and me - fantasized about having the real Johnny Depp elected as president of the USA ...
And you got dragged in - kicking and screaming probably ... - to play my - that is; Mavis Smith's Johnny - every time I should pretend to be the president hopeful's hopeless wife *O*

JOHNNY. Frankly, my dear, I don't think he would give a damn ... About being elected, I mean -o*

No. Neither do I *o* But it was good fun *o* And can be read here if people like -O*
And there you started inventing of me ...
Luring me into writing one thing more outragously than the other. Daring me - telling me "They like it, Meepsie! Come on - write what you think! You don't have to go around hiding - or rather sitting around hiding - in the hen house anymore. These people love what you write - and you, sweetie!"
You did say that, baby. I am still not sure if it is true or not ...
Sure *o* Some have very sweetly said they like what I do with words and pictures but I still become surprised and very touched when reading they do *blushes shyly * And am still not convinced it's true - that they do like it/me ...
Think that it's just because they are very sweet people that they write/say such very nice things *o*
But you invented me!
... with the help of the sweet Johnny's sweet fans, that is *o*
Every time somebody said or rather wrote something nice about what I did you added it to my shimmering armour like a shining jewel who should ward off the barbed words I have heard too so they could not enter and hurt my chicken heart *o*
You hoarded sweet things like a miser stacks money claiming you wanted to save them for a rainy day when this chicken would sit sniffling in the back corner of the hen ... house ...
Where do you - go ...
Hm - I think I made my 'shy guy' embarrassed by praising him this much ... Tshe *o*
But it is TRUE what I have clucked here!
Johnny ...
Please come back, sweetie?

MEEPS' SHOCKING PINK EDITOR IN THE DOOR: Really! Then it's Johnny's fans - your friends *o* - who have invented you, you silly little fowl! And - and ... I didn't invent the things you can do - neither of them! I know you could do those things waaaaay before I was even thought off! Meepsie !!! What? Oh, I shouldn't stamp in the floor due to the people living below *o* Then don't be such a sweet little embarressment!

An embarrassment? Can one say that - sweet, little or otherwise?
Tshee-hee-hee *O*

JOHNNY: Don't know *o* But you are *O* ... if I have invented you though how come I didn't make a better job of it then?

Better ...
You're not satisfied? *looks very sad and disappointed *

TEASING JOHNNY TRYING HARD TO STAY SERIOUS: Nooooooo - I should have made you more obedient for one thing ... Less happy to tease and make fun of me! Actually I think you ought to totally re-invented - updated - into a perfect subservient sex-slave who will do what ever I comma-ha-ha-hand - at once *O*

And YOU'ld die of BOREDOM in a forthnight! No - quicker than that - within the first few minutes !!! Nope, I don't think so, young man ! *O* !
... O.K. I guess I could play your slave tonight IF you on the other chicken wing don the clothes - especially the red veil - you wore in Don Juan. In the harem *O*
Yes, yes, sweetie - that wasn't you -o* But I meant you could find and wear the rags who looks so very good on your real life double in Don Juan *O*

A BLUSHING JOHNNY: Hm - yes. But ... don't you think we should publish this page then before we start doing that? Or people might soon and with every right complain of you writing pornografic stuff here - or some such thing *o*

CLU-CLUCK *O* *jumps up and down excited so Johnny has to hit the 'publish to web' button quickly or risk the computer ending up on the floor *