
REALLY silly things!


Yes - O.K. - almost everything I make is silly ...
But here's a couple - or more ... - of REALLY silly pics made in Photoshop *O*


Cluck ... I've seen an Un-identified Flying Object !!!
... even though I had to draw it myself first in order to see it -o*

More UFOS?
Or the same poor little - tall, but still ... - sun-flower heavily 'photoshopped' over and over until it was nauseated *O*
Yeah -o* The last option *O*

But in my silly imagination these UFOs landed and six foot two bumblebees came out and asked offended why all the flowers are so puny on this dumb planet ...
I must admit I was a very impolite chicken at that moment - I just grabbed my silently staring Johnny and ran away as fast as we could *O*



But let's get down on the ground again - I do suffer a bit from vertigo, you know -o*
And look at young moooooomantic Hulda here *O* ... trying to impress the neighbor bull, cluck thinks - tshee-hee-hee *o*
My smoking editor just claimed he's not-at-all romantic - which isn't true -o* - and left us  to have a quiet smoke *o*
Here's a birdeye's view - I am after all a bird *O* - of him wearing a big Mexican hat agent Sands gave me once -o* But if my Johnny isn't romantic why then does he have a heart on top of his hat?
Tshee-hee-hee *O* 



So cluck claims his claim is - tshe *o* - IS a bit FISHY !!! *O* !!!
Like Mark "Puffy" O'Hannaghy here - but cute little Puffy has a very good excuse for being fishy ... He IS a fish *O*